I don’t know my score, what goals I need, or even what ball I’m on. Why couldn’t of this of been fixed by now? The app is good, but not being able to see the dmd kills the immersion for me. Notched phones have been out for awhile now, and the solution is pretty simple, give an option to move the floating DMD, like a drop down menu with some options maybe. There’s no option to turn off or move the redundant display either. Even ones where I would of been able to see it I can’t because they put a mini display that is almost the same size over it, so it gets blocked then it blocks the screen underneath it. My biggest complaint is that I can’t see the DMD display on any cabinet due to the notch on the screen. The physics are good, and there are always at least two free tables to play, often with a selection of several others. The app did crash a few times when first downloaded, but I’ve since shut down and rebooted my phone and the problem seems less apparent.

The following tables are cross-buy with Pinball Arcade.